Being able to reliably heat your Cumberland, PA, home is important. During times of extreme winter weather, functioning heating equipment is necessary for keeping everyone comfortable and safe. If you haven’t replaced your furnace in a while, the following are three sure signs that it’s time to do so now.
1. Your Home Energy Bills Are on the Rise
All heating and cooling equipment gradually loses efficiency as it ages. These losses become most noticeable after the 10-year mark. If you’re paying far more to heat your home than you used to, but you haven’t significantly changed your living or heating habits, these increased costs are likely due to your aging furnace. Paying for a new furnace will give you access to a far more modern heating unit, and one that has all of the latest functions and features. It will also result in significant energy savings over time.
2. You’re Paying to Repair Your Heater Annually
Just as heating bills rise when furnaces get old, repair costs can mount as well. If you’ve been paying to have your furnace fixed once or twice a year, now is a good time to total up all of your repair costs. You’ll likely find that your cumulative spending on fixing your aging furnace matches or nearly matches the costs of getting a new one. When additionally considering the extra money that you’re paying to use an old, outdated, and inefficient unit, paying for a new furnace just makes sense.
3. Your Furnace Has Reached the End of Its Lifespan
Diligently maintaining your home heating equipment can keep it running smoothly and reliably for quite some time. However, all of the diligent maintenance in the world won’t prevent age-related efficiency loss, and the gradual wearing down of important furnace components. Most furnaces are expected to last between 15 and 20 years. If your furnace has reached or neared the 20-year mark, you should replace it even if it continues to turn on and generate heat. Waiting until this equipment outright fails could leave you without a functioning heat source at all, and right when you need it most.
[Company_name] has been providing reliable heating and cooling services all throughout the greater Cumberland, PA, area for more than 40 years. We also offer solar services and an expansive catalog of HVAC products, along with heating and cooling repair, installation and maintenance. Get in touch with us today to request a quote or to schedule an appointment for service.